BCBA Exam Prep is proud to offer a necessary and complete suite of featured to help Behavior Analysts pass the exam of their career. Dozens of Certified BCBA have been consulted and a certified BCBA

For general questions, contact BCBA Exam Prep at: info@rbtexamprep.com

For Curriculum questions or general help with the exam including questions about concepts, contact Brittany Davis: bdavis@rbtexamprep.com

For technical assistance including issues with your purchase or download or website difficulties, contact Romel Edmond: redmond@rbtexamprep.com

Brittany Davis, MA

Co-Founder, Program Manager, Curriculum Manager

Brittany has eight years experience in applied behavior analysis. Since 2009 Brittany has been serving the Southern California area, applying her knowledge of ABA to families and autistic children. In addition to presenting, conferencing, and lecturing on ABA, she serves as researcher into ABA applied research, assisting in the shaping in the future of ABA as we know it.

In her capacity as Program and Curriculum Manager, Brittany shapes the lessons to ensure the learning experience is maximized.

Romel Edmond, BA

roedmondCo-Founder, Web Manager & Content Specialist

Romel Edmond has over 7 years of experience in web content. He’s spent his professional career shaping web content, curating it in a fashion that makes the visitor’s experience as profound as can be. With BCBA Exam Prep, he delivers a straight-to-the-product website that elucidates difficult material into an easy-to-read format.